“I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller, I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat”

We are required to be people to be taken into considereation, we have to be serious, realistic, accessible, we have to be correct and therefore successful. Lets get real here: let’s face it, lets get real here: let’s be right here and right now.

We do not want that. With “Let’s get real here” we want to program, meet, touch, expose and create from the political position that we do not want to be realistic, we do not want to be here, we do not want to be successful, we do not want to be pure. We want to live in what seems impossible, in utopia and dystopia, i contradiction, in what seems another dimen- sion, whe want to live in which challenges the space-time continuum: We want to inhabit failure as a powerful source of social and artistic transformation.

Lets Get Real Here is a multidisciplinary program directed by Raisa Maudit in which the issue of failure, loss and resilience will be addressed from different exhibition forms, encounters, performative actions, tangible and intangible proposals from different artists and curators. The program that runs from the beginning of 2017 to summer 2018 offers a place of production, thought, development and emotional umbrella for artists of any discipline without assessing the artistic career based on curriculum achivements. It is a program that works as a poetic staging of what defines us here and now. I’m a loser baby so why dont you kill me.
“I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller, I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat”

Se nos exige que para ser personas a tener en cuenta, tenemos que ser serias, realistas, accesibles, correctas y por lo tanto exitosas. Lets get real here: seamos realistas, lets get real here: estemos aquí y ahora.

Nosotras no queremos eso. Con LETS GET REAL HERE, queremos programar, encontrarnos, tocarnos, exponernos y crear desde la posición política de que no queremos ser realistas, no queremos estar aquí, no queremos ser exitosas, no queremos ser puras. Queremos habitar en lo que parece imposible, en la utopía, en la contradicción y en la distopía, en lo que parece otra dimensión, lo que desafía las distancias del espacio y el tiempo: Queremos habitar el fracaso como potente fuente de transformación social y artística.

Lets Get Real Here es un programa multidisciplinar dirigido por Raisa Maudit en el que se abordará la cuestión del fracaso, la pérdida y a resiliencia desde diferentes propuestas expositivas, de encuentro, performáticas, escénicas, digitales, tangibles e intangibles programadas por varios agentes S.A.D. El programa que se desarrolla desde inicio de 2017 hasta verano de 2018 plantea ofrecer un lugar de producción, pensamiento, desarrollo y de paraguas emocional para artistas de cualquier disciplina sin valorar la trayectoria artística. Es un programa que funciona como una puesta en escena poética de lo que nos define socialmente aquí y ahora.
S.A.D Arte Space